Monday, August 20, 2007

Cohabitation - a law review note

I admit not to reading very much of it so far. Why not? It really does not seem to have much practical value for my practice. Theory has its points but reality has more and my practice has to deal with reality. I think the title says it all pretty well: Reconsidering the Mythical Advantages of Cohabitation: Why Marriage Is More Efficient Than Cohabitation (PDF format). Here is a taste:

This Note applies Becker’s New Home Economics model17 to explain the reasons for increased cohabitation rates. This model analyzes the home18 as an output maximizer, where the household produces and consumes home goods (designated Z goods or Z commodities), such as clean living spaces, child-rearing, and bookreading. The crux of Becker’s model is that individuals in a household allocate their time between work and home goods production in a manner that maximizes the household’s satisfaction level (i.e., well-being)....
All that said, I do find it very interesting to find The Indiana Law Journal article online.

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