Monday, November 5, 2007

Summary of Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines Part 3

I do not intend this article as a substitute for reading the Parenting Time Guidelines. Frankly, if you are online then you should have the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines bookmarked for easy access. I do. You will find a link to these Guidelines down the right hand side of the screen. So, if you do not have them bookmarked already, do it now!

Schedule Changes/"Make-up Time"/Child Care/Flexibility and Cooperation: If developments and/or scheduling changes require deviation from the normal time-share pattern, the parent who has lost time shall be entitled to "make-up time." Make-up time shall be as agreed upon by the parties, or if the parties are unable to reach agreement within one (1) month, then make-up time may be selected by the parent who lost time. When a parent who has the child(ren) needs childcare, the other parent shall be given the first (1st) opportunity to provide that care.

Parents are encouraged to reach agreement on the time each will spend with their child(ren), especially as flexibility is desirable and as no court imposed schedule can possibly address all contingencies. Parents are in the best position to work together to schedule time for each with their children in order to account for the changing variables that exist in each case. Any rigid court imposed schedule will usually leave both parents disappointed in some respect....

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