Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Add Henry County to the list of counties with a divorce seminar

Yet another local rule post, this time from Henry County.

(A) CHILD SUPPORT WORKSHEET AND CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE. All divorcing parents with children must attend the required “Loving Your Children Through the Divorce” program and provide the court with the original certificate of attendance at the commencement of their final hearing or accompanying their Waiver of Final Hearing. .... The Court may, in its discretion, continue the Final Hearing or withhold entering the Final Decree for failure to attend the required class.

I tried to find out what I could find online about this seminar but the Henry County website gave me nothing.

For my other posts on counties requiring parents attend a seminar, see these posts: Children Cope with Seminars and Madison County Local Rules: LR48-AR00-18 Children in the Middle Seminars

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