A mixed bag wtih this post.
I forget how I ran across Lawlady's Divorce and Entrepreneur Blog. What I found was a different style from any other divorce/family lawyer/law blog so far.
For me the posts were long (yes, for someone who has a tendency to go on at length this may seem incongruous) and pitched in a different style. They came across as more letters to readers than articles. To me it seems to work, but that may be a bit of admiration undercutting my judgment. I know I cannot write like than any more than I can write like Ernest Hemingway. Along with the style comes some serious content. Here is an example:
I keep learning of sites and organizations that relate to family law of which I never had a clue. My explanation is that they just are not geared towards lawyers but towards clients. The National Association of Divorce for Women and Children and WeParent.com are the latest examples of this type of site. I do encourage anyone who is involved in the family law system to check out these sites. The more you know the better off you will be. At least, that is my opinion.No matter what way you decide to handle things (and there are many). The most critical point is to wake up to the cold water of life being splashed in your face and say to yourself, "OK, I'm going to pick up the pace, clear the cobwebs out of my head, and put 100% into making this situation turn out alright." There are many role models and sources of support. But if you look to someone else to provide the necessary adrenaline and fight, you lose something in the process. You lose the ability to know for certain that you gave it all you have. And, really, the best outcome is the one that happens when you are fully prepared to do what it takes (even if that is to look your own fears and make peace with your fearful self). No one cares more than you about your life. Thus, your vote and intention and time and attention matter the most.
I also ran across two more attorney blogs that might be of interest. At least I found them interesting. The Australian Divorce Blog and THE OREGON DIVORCE BLOG I find interesting for the simple reason that I find it cool to see what is going on elsewhere. Writing this blog is as much about my education as yours. Seeing what is done elsehwhere - whether Oregon or Australia - has made me look at the whole of the system we call family law and not just the parts (which is the common state for lawyers and judges).
Something quite different is The Psycho Ex Wife which describes itself this way:
The Psycho Ex Wife is the true account of a marriage, divorce, and subsequent custody fight between a loving man, his terroristic ex-wife who we suspect suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder (at least from our armchair psychologist diagnosis), and the husband's new partner. We are not simply anti-mother or pro-father.
I think this is the first blog I have seen that diaries the parties experiences during a family law case. Which makes me wonder how long before we see more. Lawyers, we might want to keep an eye on this to gtet more insights into our clients/the general public. Again, that is just my opinion.
Thanks so much for the mention of WeParent in this post. You have some great content here, and I'd love to re-post sometime. Please let me know if you're interested.
I would be happy to talk to you.
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