Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Here is a Good Idea for The Self-help Crowd

Create a page for sources of free advice. Family Lore gave me the idea with this post: Gratuitous Lex

I just cannot figure out how to do it with Blogger (which may mean something important about self-help but I am going to go there). About the best I can do is point out Indiana's Self-Service Legal Center.

Something we legal bloggers might think about doing? I can say that I look at the traffic to this site and quite often I see queries that tell me the person is looking for free advice or forms.


John Bolch said...


You need to find a Blogger template with link buttons or tabs (there are some here), then create the advice post and link to it with one of the tabs. The only drawback is that the post will show up in your archive.


Sam Hasler said...

Thank you, but I think that project will have to wait till next month. Things have been just too hectic of late.