Sunday, December 16, 2007

Want to Write the Judge? Don't.

While checking the traffic to this blog, I noticed the following Google search: "How to write to a Judge in a custody case in Indiana." I doubt they found what they were wanting to find, and the answer is right above in my headline. But it does a raise an issue to write about.

Write the judge if you want to do any of the following:

  1. Depending on if the letter contains allegations of evidence, get a new judge.
  2. Depending on if the letter contains complaints about the judge but nothing about evidence, a judge very annoyed at the writer.
  3. Regardless of what is in the letter, your attorney annoyed with you and probably filing a motion to withdraw as your attorney.
  4. You will also annoy the opposing attorney and that attorney is going nowhere and that means you will be dealing with that attorney's annoyance through the remainder of the case.
Most judges will not see mail from the parties. Which means that a judge seeing what is written requires some sort of trickery on the writer's part or a snafu on the part of the court staff. Thus, the judge who sees the letter will be anything but pleasant.

What people may not understand that there are ways of doing things in our legal system. Trying to get evidence in front of a judge outside of court, away from the other side being able to cross-examine the person giving the evidence, violates every idea about fairness in our legal system. It is cheating. The judge getting evidence this way will just get out of the case and a new judge comes in. Which delays the case and makes the letter writer appear as trustworthy.

Those still thinking of writing might want to take a look at this report of a disciplinary action. The same principles apply.

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