Sunday, February 17, 2008

Great Family Law Website and a bit more on Wikis

Thanks to Family Lore for pointing out the web site for The Rosen Law Firm. I think lawyers need to take a close look at this website's design and its content. It gives me some ideas for when I upgrade the website. Lawyers should take heed of this kind of website because I think the public will prefer this amount of information in this format.

The site has value for non-lawyers, too. While geared towards North Carolina, listen to the video from Mr. Rosen. Several points apply to Indiana divorces, too: 1) speaking with a lawyer, 2) the advantages to settlement over going to court, and 3) that divorce itself is but a small part of the dissolution of marriage process (he says this is only true for North Carolina but I take that to be a bit of overstatement).

Family Lore was not the only source trumpeting the Rosen Law Firm. Fortune Small Business published Boosting teamwork with wikis which dealt with Mr. Rosen's efforts to move from Louts Notes to a wiki. I have written about wikis here and here and here. I am working on a wiki myself for another area of law. Anyone thinking these tools are only for the computer geeks amongst us need to think again.

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