Sunday, July 13, 2008

Parents Rules Contradict the Law

For an example a father left the following comment (with some editing from me) in another post:

... After all these years and allowing calls to/from son and parents, my ex now claims she has a rule of no cell phones for children under 15 (son is 13). She refuses to allow him to have it this summer let along answer it....
Why shouldn't a parent's rule on cell phones control in this situation? Because by invoking the law, the parents have invited a permanent guest who has a veto power: the law.

Indiana's courts remain a player in child rearing issues until emancipation of the child. If a parent's private rule conflicts with Indiana's Parenting Time Guidelines (and that seems to me to be the most likely source of family law for this creating this kind of conflict), then the other parent needs to communicate the problem to the other parent. If that does not solve the problem, then it is off to court and letting a judge decide if this does wrongly conflict with the law.

7/15/08: Follow up - I Kicked up Some Dust - Following Up on "Parents Rules Contradict the Law"

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